Maintaining a diet that is balanced to your unique needs as a high-performance athlete is essential. While your body prefers glycogen from carbs as its main fuel source, fat also provides fuel for the body. Many people think fat is a bad word, but the endurance athlete knows that he or she cannot perform for an extended duration without this vital nutrient.
The body cannot function without dietary fat, which provides essential fatty acids, such as omega-3, and helps process the fat-soluble vitamins A, D, E, and K. The presence of healthy fats in the diet helps the body maintain vital metabolic and regulatory processes and has a protective effect on the cells of the brain and spinal cord.
With regard to athletic performance, fats are the secondary fuel source used during exercise. The body has limited stores of glycogen, and when that type of fuel runs out, athletes will hit a wall without adequate fat stores to take over and provide energy. Furthermore, per gram, fat yields twice the energy of carbohydrates, which means that fats can fuel the body for a longer duration than carbs alone. This makes proper fat consumption essential for an endurance athlete.
Generally speaking, runners, cyclists, and triathletes should keep fat consumption between 20 and 35 percent of total caloric intake, but you should consult with a registered dietitian to determine your unique needs. Unlike carbs and proteins, you need not worry about consuming fats at certain times before or after exercise. By maintaining a well-balanced diet, you will likely obtain all the fat you need, but be sure to trim the fat off of meat and choose low-fat dairy products to reduce your consumption of saturated fats. Healthy unsaturated fats can be found in salmon, avocados, nuts, seeds, flaxseed, and olive oil.
In addition to maintaining a proper diet, you can improve your speed, endurance, and overall athletic performance by achieving bilateral equivalence with the help of RPM2 footbed devices. Take a look at our website today to learn how our products work with the use of smartphone apps.
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