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Staying Hydrated to Ensure Your Best Performance

by RPM2 Admin | Posted in RPM2 Blog | No comments yet. | 2899 views on this post

You already know that staying hydrated is crucial for you to perform your best, but as temperatures rise, it’s even more important to make sure you’re getting enough fluids. Studies show that being just 2 percent dehydrated can increase fatigue and reduce your performance. If you’re dehydrated before you even being your triathlon or other endurance event, you’re at a disadvantage from the start and have very little chance of meeting your performance goals.

Spotting the Signs of Dehydration

The easiest way to check your hydration levels is to take a look at your urine, which should be straw colored or pale yellow. Anything darker and more concentrated, especially if you’re not producing much urine at all, is a sign that you need to increase your water intake. More extreme cases of dehydration can result in headaches, light-headedness, muscle cramps, heart palpitations, and dry mouth.

Knowing How Much to Drink

Too many factors come into play to issue blanket guidelines for water intake before, during, and after your workout. These factors include your gender, weight, and sweat rate as well as the exercise intensity, temperature, and humidity. A sports nutritionist can evaluate these criteria and advise you on your ideal levels of fluid intake.

Water vs. Sports Drinks

Drinking water according to your thirst levels during a moderate-intensity workout is usually sufficient to keep you hydrated, but for more vigorous exercise that lasts longer than an hour, you may benefit from a sports drink. These drinks are specifically designed to not only hydrate you but also provide electrolytes and carbs that give you the energy to perform longer. Drinking water after your workout is also critical. However, you also need to focus on your fluid intake throughout the day—not just during and after exercise. Be aware that other beverages, such as milk, juice, and decaffeinated tea, count toward your daily fluid intake, and fruits and vegetables also contain water. This means that maintaining a healthy diet that includes all the food groups can go a long way in keeping you hydrated.

Like dehydration, biomechanical problems and bilateral deficits can prevent you from achieving your performance goals. RPM2 footbed products can help detect these issues so that you can adjust your training regimen accordingly and reach peak performance levels. For more information about our innovative products, explore our website or follow us on Facebook or Twitter.

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